Important Message



Attention All Walk Leaders and interested Members.

A Committee Meeting was held on the 30th of September and an issue was discussed that is of particular interest to Walk Leaders. This is a gentle reminder about having a Back Marker. This may become more relevant if you are leading a large group, eg 15 plus. Also with  winter coming and the possibility of bad weather and visibility a Back Marker may be useful with  smaller groups. Some time ago the Club purchased two sets of Walkie Talkies. This was done after an incident on a walk where the group got split. The walkie talkies enable the walk Leader and Back Marker to be in easy contact even when there is no phone signal. They are small and very easy to use. The range is good and it may be possible for example that two different walks could communicate with each other over some distance should they need to, again useful if there is no phone signal. Using them on a walk is optional and no one is saying they must be used but they could be a significant safety item should there be a problem and no phone signal is available. In future one set will be available through Ian Rowley and the other myself. If you require them feel free to contact one of us to get hold of a set. With the goodwill of members this year we have increased the pool of those leading walks which is brilliant for the club and we want to do everything we can to make life easier for Leaders. The suggestion of using the Walkie Talkies is there to be taken up should you so wish but the Club Constitution does state that Back Markers should be used. It is the Walk Leaders responsibility to keep in communication with the Back Marker and ensure the safety of the group as best they can. Members are reminded that the walk leader has the final say on how the walk is conducted and do as much as possible to assist the Leader. Its a little way off but anything you want discussed at the AGM in January can be directed to me, a reminder will go on the Website much nearer the time.

Regards to All

Pete Rutland. Chairman/Safety Officer.


Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

affiliated to hfholidays

Don't Forget

The Clocks go Back 1 Hour This Sunday 27th October 2024