Carlisle and District Rambling Club

April 2018 Newsletter


After what seems like a long drawn out winter with plenty of the white stuff in recent weeks it’s time to welcome in spring with a new walks programme and newsletter. As always members can find lots of information on the club website including a summary of the 2018 AGM.



If you haven’t already done so you can make payments to the club for your membership fees via the payments page on the website but please remember to let Stephen Parker or John Mackay know when you have paid.


Spring/Summer Programme Highlights

One or two changes for the new programme including two longer day coach rambles, the first is to Peebles on April then we’re of to Kirkby Stephen in September. This year there will be a choice of Wednesday walks every month with Pete Rutland leading an A walk. If you haven’t already done so why not join one of the Thursday evening walks for a relaxed ramble followed by a pub meal.


Ullswater Way

Long-term member Heather Perrin has offered to lead a complete circuit of the Ullswater Way on June.  This is a challenging 20mile round that can be shortened by using local bus or lake steamer. It has also been suggested that we use the walk to raise money for a local good cause. It will be a car walk and instead of paying the car drivers walkers will be asked to make a donation instead.


Map Reading sessions

As part of the Thursday evening programme Frank Grant will be offering map-reading sessions. This is a good chance to improve your outdoor skills. As well as keeping safe in the hills being able to read a map makes walking more enjoyable and gives you the confidence to find new routes – who knows it might even get you thinking about leading a club walk.


New walk leaders wanted

It goes without saying that club could not exist without those members who share their enjoyment of the great outdoors by leading walks but this season has proved more difficult to plan because of a shortage of leaders. We are especially looking for help with the “C” walks. If you haven’t led a walk before please have a think about doing so, it doesn’t need to be a new route and there’s plenty of support from club members.


Social Evenings

The committee has already started planning for the autumn/winter programme and we will be continuing the popular Friday evening social events. If you have any ideas for a speaker or if you would be willing to do a talk yourself please contact Moira Merrick or Christina O’ Gara.


Remember to keep checking the website for updates and here’s to a great summer of walking!

Newsletter April 2018

Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

affiliated to hfholidays


A Very Happy New Year 

To All Our Members