Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club









A Walk  Sunday 30th March 2014   

C Walk Sunday 30th March 2014

Troutbeck Bridge, Windermere

7 Miles Grade 4

Leader: Gill Thompson

Report & Photos by Gill Thompson

What a beautiful day for a walk this turned out to be,not far into the first section we were taking off layers of clothing. The bus left us with about 200yds of main road to walk to Wain lane which was a delightful,dry track soon passing the secluded Middlerigg tarn,no-one in my party had been here before. When we reached the outskirts of Troutbeck a path lined with primroses dropped down to the beck and up the other side to the Kirkstone pass road.
At this point,I foolishly mentioned that we had done all the climbing for the day, so when we came to another small rise further on, I was accused of using "leaders tactics" in spite of including "virtually" in my original statement.
We spent lunchtime in Holehird gardens which were lovely ,the hellebores,of all colours were at their best and whole banks of daffodils. There was plenty of time for a sunbathing lunch and a wander round the gardens before we set off across fields and  stone stiles till we reached an easy stretch of road. After that there was a good path through woods,skirting round under Orrest Head and into Windermere right opposite the station and in time to make use of refreshment facilities and do more sunbathing. I wish all my leads could be so fortunate with the weather.

