Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club








RSPB Walks    


See below details of the Evening Walks that Trevor has set again for the Group - hopefully you will be able to support the events- a similar programme  last year brought new members to the Group.  Please spread the news about the walks as widely as you can.


Walk description

Meet at

Weds 21 May

River Eden

River bank behind Sands Centre CA1 1JQ

Weds 28 May

Carlisle Cemetery

Richardson St entrance off B5299 Dalston Rd  CA2 6AL    

Weds 4 June

Rockcliffe, River Eden – Carr Beds

Beside St Mary’s church, Rockcliffe CA6 4AF

(please consider residents’ access when parking)

Weds 11 June

Kingmoor Nature Reserve (Sth)

Car Park, Kingmoor Rd opposite Vibralife Health Club CA3 9QJ

Weds 18 June

River Caldew, upstream of Cummersdale

Riverbank near Stead Mcalpin

Cummersdale CA2 6BT

Weds 25 June

Private site

To be announced closer to date

Weds 2 July

River Caldew from Dalston

The Square, Dalston,  CA5 7PJ

Weds 9 July

To be decided


The meetings, all starting at 6:45pm.


PS  Don't forget the Evening walk at Armathwaite on 14th May - meet on the bridge at 6.30pm - this is part of the ongoing Outdoor programme