Annual Subscription


Christmas Party


A great night was had by all, when 30 members attended the Club’s Christmas party.

Fabulous & amusing team games were completed in a keen, good humoured, spirit and a delicious American Supper enjoyed. Raffles for Judith’s Christmas cake, Pete’s calendar and prizes donated by club members, were completed with many happy winners. The attempts at country dancing proved that if there is enthusiasm, it really doesn’t matter about ability !! Thank you Geoff for your patience. A massive “Thank You” goes to Carol for her amazing achievement as “Party Co-ordinator” I know there was a lot of hard work put into making the evening such a wonderful success. Thanks also to Geoff for providing the music and dance tuition, those members who prepared the hall in readiness of the evening, the kitchen team and everyone else who contributed in any way – a real team effort. Here’s to next year – Carol I think you’ve got the job already.

I hope everyone enjoys the Festive Season with more Club activities still to come


Best Wishes



The Party was a great success and I think everyone enjoyed it. I made £108 on the Christmas cake raffle which will go to Eden Valley Hospice. It was won by Carol Telford. If you could please put this on the website I would be very grateful.

Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

affiliated to hfholidays