Carlisle & District Rambling Club
“Seasons of mist and mellow fruitfulness” are almost upon us and the “X” word is fast approaching – time to dig out the winter woollies, dust off the crampons and reach for those reindeer hats. The Winter Programme is enclosed and as always we are most appreciative of the efforts of all walk leaders who have put themselves forward. We have roughly 175 members of which I would guess around 100 are active members and yet we still only have 33 people leading on the winter programme, so our aim this year (just for a change!) is to encourage more of you to avail yourselves of this wonderful opportunity and show us what you are made of! If everyone did just 1 walk per programme, that would more or less cover it. So for those of you who have never led a walk, just choose your favourite area and work out a route, do it with an established leader for the first time then make it yours forever more! Any requests for guidance or assistance should be made to The Rambles Secretary, Peter Flynn.
Please note that the distance and grade of the walks in the programme are provisional and could be changed; for up to date information see the website shortly before the date.
Friday night social evenings recommence on 21st October, a bit later than usual this year as many people will be away at the beginning of October on the Malham holiday. After that, there is a very varied programme including talks from both club members and outside contributors ranging from Fix the Fells (you didn’t know they needed it did you?) to a trip up Kilimanjaro and what promises to be a very thought provoking “Life is a journey, not a destination”. We also have a quiz arranged by Judith followed by an American supper, Several dates for your diaries - Wed 7th Dec is Xmas Tea at High Rigg. Wed 14th for Xmas lunch - contact Graham Bell (527378) for both of these. For Sunday walkers there is Xmas lunch at the Craggs (near Bothel) on Sunday 18th, preceded by a joint A/B walk up Binsey – for this one, please contact Lauren or Peter on 01768 896517, soon, as numbers are likely to be restricted. The Xmas party is on Friday 9th December and will comprise an evening of music, dancing, carols, games and a raffle (donations welcomed). There will also be an American Supper, so bring along a tasty dish and some liquid refreshments. We look forward to seeing as many old and new members in our anniversary year as possible and if you wish to bring a friend then please do so. If you live close to a member who has no transport, please consider offering a lift.
£2 entrance fee, tea and coffee provided.
The Annual Coach Ramble to Malham last May went down a treat and we are open to suggestions for the coming year – the Settle area is one possibility. Is there an area you would especially like to visit or that you know well and could suggest some walks?
The Annual Coach Outing – this year’s outing to Durham and Barnard Castle was not well attended, so will members please tell us where they would like to go next year! One suggestion is Glasgow, starting with the Burrell Collection, said to be the greatest ever collection of objects by one person, comprising over 8000 items. This is situated to the south of Glasgow in the Pollok Country Park, after which visit we could then head into the city centre.
The Club Holiday for 2017 will take place from Friday 7th to Friday 14th April (Good Friday) at HF Nether Grange, Alnmouth.
Originally a granary, Nether Grange is now a comfortable country house with 36 bedrooms. The lounge enjoys views to the beach, as does the dining room where you can enjoy home cooked meals. Discover the eerie ruins of Dunstanburgh, cross the causeway to Holy Island, explore Alnwick Castle and the genius of Cragside. Set sail for the Farne Islands and photograph seals and puffins.
All levels of walks will be offered, and there will be the usual entertaining social programme to enjoy in the company of Club members. If you have not already booked and would like to go, please contact Graham Bell.
Email addresses etc - please ensure that the secretary ( has your up to date email address, also any change of address or telephone number should be notified. If you have heard nothing from us this year, then you are not correctly listed.
Guidelines for Walkers and Leaders are on the website, please make sure you have seen them. Would walk leaders please remember that if you are unable to lead a walk, it is your responsibility to find a replacement leader. Please send John McKay your walk description a few days prior to the walk.
Discounts of at least 10% (Freetime and Cotswolds 15%) are available at any of the Carlisle outdoor shops on production of a self-signed programme.
Happy Walking!