Club Committee



President: Graham Bell



Chairman: John McKay

Vice Chairman: Moira Meirick

Club Secretary: Ian Rowley

Treasurer: Barbara Eden

Membership Secretary: Stephen Parker

Safety Officer: Frank Grant

Rambles Secretary: John McKay

Publicity Officer & Webmaster: John McKay

Social Committee: Christina O'Gara, Moira Meirick, Lorna Berkley




Auditor: Fred Blundell

Card Sender: Barbara Bell










To contact any member of the committee contact

John McKay: Tel 01228 530306 - Mob: 07891293570

e mail:


To pay your annual subscription or any payment owed to the club

go to the payments page





Club Committee

Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

affiliated to hfholidays


Wednesday 28th February 2018


Due to the weather forecast