The film sequel to Life of a Mountain: Scafell, with the same team have now produced a Life of a Mountain; Blencathra. If it is anything like the original one it will be very well worth seeing, with stunning views of paths and areas most of us know really well. Sharp Edge, Halls Fell and so on. It is on at Rheged first of all on Saturday 14th May, but is – even at this distance – booked up. However, there is a showing on Sunday 15th, and what we are thinking of is a slightly shorter walk than normal – possibly combined with an earlier start, and hopefully actually up Blencathra – and then heading after the walk to Rheged to see the film. It starts at 3pm and finishes at 5.30pm; £10 for the children (under 60’s) and £8 for us dodderers. We would need to book in plenty of time – no good waiting till the programme comes out – so if anyone did fancy coming to see it we could do a block booking and have refreshments afterwards. If we get sufficient numbers, there will be no problem organising walks for A,B and C groups. Could you let me know as soon as possible on and we can go ahead with seat reservations. Peter Flynn
Life of a Mountain: Blencathra - A year in the life of the people's mountain
Date of Event:15 May 2016
Time of Event:3pm - 5.30pm
From award winning outdoors filmmaker Terry Abraham and producer of the BBC hit 'Life of a Mountain: Scafell Pike' comes the sequel showcasing one of the Lake District's most beloved fells; Blencathra. Continuing with the critically acclaimed mix of breath-taking landscapes, iconic characters and local people the film highlights the public's affection for Saddleback, as it's alternatively known. The characteristic blend of Freddiehangoler's soundtrack with Abraham's stunning landscape cinematography are reprised and supplemented by unique aerial footage in a film that will entertain, enlighten and inspire in equal measure.