Dear Carlisle and District Ramblers


How lucky was I when I found the friendly, kind, generous and very funny Judy Cherrie! Without her I would never have known about the wonderful Wednesday walkers and what a great bunch you are.


Five years ago I knew nobody in Carlisle except the staff at the hospice. You were so kind and patient with me as I built up my fitness and got back my confidence. You even put up with me when I hold you up with my dodgy knees.

I will miss my walks with you all, the friendly banter, the wind, rain and yes even the endless mud. There were many sunny days too and amazing views.


Thank you all for your love and friendship and the very generous gift. I’m going to try and workout how to use it when I’ve finished this email. One good thing about moving near family is the grandchildren that hopefully will help me with technology.


I will miss Cumbria and all my friends very much but I will visit in the spring and hope to join you on a Wednesday walk.


Many thanks again



Message from Cherry

Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

affiliated to hfholidays

Carlisle & District Rambling Club


A Very Happy New Year


All Our Members