Annual Subscription

New Years Resolution
Make it your resolution to lead a club walk this year - ideally in January, February or March. If you haven't done so before, then now is the time to put your best foot forward and support the club. There is plenty of help and advice available and if you're not feeling confident  you could buddy up with a fellow walker or ask one of the regular walk leaders for help
Ian Rowley
Walks Secretary



Annual Subscription


Please be aware the subs for the 2024 club year are now due and payment of £10 should be made before 31 March 2024 after which point you will be removed from the member list and will have to rejoin the club and pay the associated £5 joining fee.

Payment can be made by the following methods:
Cheque made payable to Carlisle and District Rambling Club
Online using the bank account details using the reference 'SUBS'
Carlisle & District Rambling Club
Account Number: 82992762
Sort Code: 30-98-97
Reference: SUBS
After payment is made please ensure you inform the membership secretary via email at  so the list can be updated.
As the membership cards are due for renewal if you require your card to obtain discounts etc. please also forward a stamp addressed envelope to the membership secretary for your new card to be posted to you.
Cheques and requests for membership cards should be sent to
Membership Secretary, Stephen Parker
12 Croft Road, Brampton, CA8 1DL
Tel: 0169773407     -      07500556361


Carlisle Ramblers & Fellwalkers

affiliated to hfholidays