Guidelines, Risk assessments
It is essential that members read this for insurance purposes.
Walkers take part in walks entirely at their own risk. The Club, officers and walks leaders of the Club cannot accept any responsibility for injuries or loss incurred by members or other persons whilst taking part in any of the Group`s activities.
1. Waterproof jacket and overtrousers are essential – jeans are not suitable.
2. Warm hat and gloves are essential for even warm days, sun-hats and cream for sunnier days.
3. Food (emergency rations advisable as well) and drink is essential on day walks; extra drink in warm weather.
4. Wind-proof jackets are needed for most days on the fells.
5. Remember that layering is the best way to insulate against cold and one layer can always be discarded if too hot. Spare clothing in case of emergencies is advisable.
Footwear with a good grip on the sole e.g. Vibram is the key to avoiding accidents. Walking boots provide support at the ankle, keep feet dry and are essential for both moorland and fell walking.
1. Rucksack with waterproof inner.
2. Water bottle, capacity at least 1 litre.
3. Survival bag.
4. Personal first aid kit – do not rely on others for bite relief, sticking plasters, painkillers etc
5. Walking poles: check that they are the right height for you and take great care not to get them in others' way. Always carry point down.
6. Hi-Viz jacket/waistcoat
1. The walk leader will assess the weather conditions on the day and his/her word will be final as to whether the walk is cancelled, altered or adjusted in any way whatsoever.
2. The walk leader will appoint a “back marker” and it is vital that no walker gets behind that person. If it is necessary to fall back, you MUST let the back marker or other person know what you are doing.
3. All walkers must keep the leader in view, PARTICULARLY in mist.
4. If anyone leaves a walk for whatever reason, then the walk leader will no longer be responsible for that person and the club will not be held responsible for any mishap whatsoever once the walk has been left.
5. Walkers must be prepared to walk as a group and maintain contact with the leader or back marker at all times. Anyone in front of the leaders and out of contact will be considered to have left the club walk. The walk leader must be informed immediately of any difficulties or problems experienced by members of the walk. If you wish to leave the walk, the leader must be informed.
6. For your own safety and in case of emergency, it is good practice to carry contact details and where appropriate essential medical information in your rucksack. It is essential that you let the group leader know of any possible medical situations which could arise and what should be done if it does.
The safety officer is Tom Fortune, please report any concerns to the walk leader primarily, or to Tom. Incident forms are available and will be completed if necessary.
MOBILE PHONES should NEVER be used whilst actually moving on a walk and, in any case, use should be kept to an absolute minimum for the enjoyment of all walkers.