Thursday Night Walks
The Thursday night walks start on Thursday the 18th of April 2019
and will be held every Thursday, with the last walk taking place on the 12th of September
Depending on daylight hours this could be extended.
The walks will leave from the Sands at 6.00pm
Each walk will be approximately 3/4 miles Grade 3/4 and will end with dinner in a
convenient pub. All the walks are dog friendly.
Both the walk and the dinner are optional. If you can't get to the Sands for 6.00pm
you can still come for the dinner
Why sit at home watching Coronation Street or Eastenders when you could be out
in the fresh air having a lovely walk followed by a lovely meal with lovely friendly people.
A great night out.
If anyone would like to lead a Thursday walk, or suggest an area,
or a good pub, they would like to go to,
please get in touch.
Please let me know if you are coming
a table has to be booked
John McKay
Tel: 01228 530306