Urgent Notice


Walks Programme - Urgent Notice
There are a number of gaps in the programme through November and into December. The club has always relied on a  small pool of leaders but at a time when membership numbers are up and attendances on the coach has increased it is disappointing that we are in a situation where we have such a large number of Wednesdays and Sundays with no walks.
I would like to urge members  who have not led a walk for a while to put their names forward.
Also this is a good time for anyone who hasn't led before to give it a go. Walks don't need to be particularly long , especially at this time of the year, and myself and the other regular leaders are more than willing to help with ideas for walks as well as supporting with planning and recceing.
This is your club and it would be great to see a full programme through to Christmas.
Ian Rowley


Carlisle Ramblers & Fellwalkers

affiliated to hfholidays