Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club







AGM  2015 Minutes    




Minutes of the AGM of 13 February 2015 held at the Church of Scotland at 7.45 pm

Present: Neil Thompson (Chairman) and 50 members, with apologies from 2 members.

The President, Marie Hall, led the meeting in a period of silence in memory of the nine Club members who had passed away in the past year.

Chairman's Welcome, Neil Thompson

Neil welcomed members to the Club's 69th AGM. He thanked the Committee and all others for their work in running the Club, and the hosts of the Committee Meetings. The Club had had another successful year and had made only a small financial loss. He hoped that longer coach meets might be possible in the coming year.

Minutes of the AGM of 14 February 2014. A full version had been sent to the Officers and Committee Members, had been on the Club web site, and had been available to members on request. A summary had been on the newsletter and was presented to the meeting. They were accepted and signed.

Secretary's Report, Geoff Entwistle

Membership was currently 169 (177 at the same time in 2014), During 2014 19 (24) new members had joined, 2 had resigned and 9 deceased. 23 (34) had not paid their 2014 subscriptions and been removed from membership. Although the number of members had decreased again, the rate of fall was not so great, so hopefully the situation was bottoming out.

Treasurer  Report, Chris Fortune

The audited accounts were circulated. The Club had made an overall loss of £102, with the coaches losing £987, and the annual coach ramble to Callander £210. This was offset by a Council grant of £500, and surpluses of £141 for the annual coach outing to Beamish, £142 for the end of season dinner, £28 for the Club holiday to Shropshire, and £11 for the Xmas lunch at the Metal Bridge Inn. We had made donations to the National Trust of £50 and the Lake District Mountain Rescue of £250. We still had healthy reserves of £7123.

Chris thanked Fred Blundell for auditing the accounts.

The accounts were accepted.

Rambles Secretary's Report, Heather Perrin

There had been a full programme of Sunday and Wednesday walks. Numbers on the coaches had been disappointing, but had picked up recently.

The new system of specifying some walks with no allocated leader had worked well. The C walk leaders had indicated that their walks don't need to be specified,  however this could put off potential walkers.

Some leaders seemed unaware that, if they cannot lead a walk, it is their responsibility to find a replacement.If a leader decides to amend a walk, the new description should be put on the web site.

Summer 2015 Programme. The venues for the bus meets had been selected. Of the 91 walks on the programme only 50 had leaders so far.

The Annual Coach Ramble would be on 17 May to the Osmotherley area. The walks had been selected and a meal arranged.

69% of members now contactable by e-mail. Heather was still looking for more

Social Report

End of Season Dinner, Friday 27 March. Chris Fortune had booked the Cumbria Park Hotel at £13 pp for a 3 course meal.

Social Programme Winter 2015/16. Chris Fortune offered to co-ordinate a programme with socials on the 1st and 3rd Friday evenings October through to March. Volunteers would be required to run them, open the hall, and make the tea. The hall was available and 4 offers had been received. It would be in order to engage outside speakers who may make a charge or request a donation.

Annual Coach Outing 5 September 2015. Options of Alnwick, Lancaster and Manchester were offered, the Meeting voted for Alnwick.

Rule Changes.

The Committee proposed: "The post of Publicity Officer should have "and Webmaster" added to it". Carried.

Subscriptions, Charges and Donations

Donations, decided that they will be: National Trust £50, Lake District Mountain Rescue £150, Air Ambulance £150.

Otherwise the Committee proposed no change. Carried. The Subscriptions, Charges and Donations would therefore be:

Annual Subscription £10, Juveniles under 16 £5. Joining Fee £5, Juveniles under 16 £2.50

Coach ramble fare £6. Coach driver£ tip £15, for long and special journeys £20

Car ramble passenger contribution £5 flat rate. Social evenings £2

Donations; National Trust £50, Lake District Mountain Rescue £150, Air Ambulance £150

Ramblers Association subscription, currently £55.


President. Marie Hall had completed her 3 year term. The Committee proposed David Hall, carried.

Life Members. The Committee proposed Graham Bell, Barbara Bell and Alan Nash, carried.

The Officers and Committee elected for 2015 were:

President - David Hall, Chairman - John McKay, Vice-Chairman - Peter Flynn

Secretary - Lauren Sarasini, Treasurer - Roger Tringham, Rambles Secretary - Heather Perrin

Social Co-ordinator - Chris Fortune, Safety Officer - vacant

Publicity Officer and Webmaster - John McKay, Auditor - Fred Blundell

Committee: Lorna Berkeley, Mike Coates, Moira Meirick, Helen Peachey

Unofficial card sender - Barbara Bell

Any Other Business

Cotswold Outdoor Shop would now accept a signed programme as proof of membership for their discount.

The Meeting closed at 9.39 pm