Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club








Summer Walks Programme 2016 


Summer Walks Programme 2016
Time to start thinking about next year’s April – September programme.  The way ahead,  basically,  is for me to prepare a programme for the bus with specific destinations and dates and  then volunteer walk leaders putting forward a suitable A, B or C walk that coincides with that area.  What I would like to ask everybody initially,  is the following;  are there any specific areas you would like to visit and that would have the potential for all three walks?  I am thinking in particular of areas we may not visit so often but that are within about 90 minutes by coach – Yorkshire, Durham, parts of North Lancs or Scotland.  Obviously the majority of the walks will be centred on the Lake District and the “bog-standard” walks still provide some wonderful days out.  If you do have any ideas along these lines,  could you let me know,  if possible before Sunday 6th of December as I will need to start sending round preliminary programme planning sheets.  The email address to reply to is  
Peter Flynn.