This Weeks Walks

It would be very much appreciated if all walk leaders submitted a description of their walk. Preferably by the Monday preceding the walk. Descriptions can be emailed to or telephone: 530306


Sunday 4th March 2018 Coach Walk: Rosehill: 8.50 am Sands: 9.00am

Coach Cancelled

Friday 2nd March 2018

Church of Scotland
Chapel Street, Carlisle
History of the Louisa Antimony Mine
Admission £1
including Tea/Coffee, Biscuits
                                  Car Walk: Sands 9.15am
A romp through the snow around footpaths in Carlisle area
It's flat but it's bound to be muddy
Sands 9.00am

Sunday 4th March 2018

A Walk around the Carlisle Area

Sands-Rickerby Park-Tarraby-Houghton

7/8 Miles Grade 3

Leader: John McKay

This Weeks Walks

Thursday 1st March 2018

Thursday Night Dinner
Alexandros - Warwick Rd
Contact: John McKay
                                  Car Walk: Sands 9.15am

Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

affiliated to hfholidays