Walks & Events Programme



Important Message for Walk leaders


The 2019-20  Programme will need to go to the printers early next week.

If you have offered a walk but haven't sent in the details please do so as soon as possible.

At the very least indicate the area or location for the start of the walk and the

approximate mileage and grade.


There are still a number of dates without walks but in particular the following

coach walks need a leader


Sunday 8th December: Grasmere B walk

Sunday 19th January: Glenriiding/Patterdale  A walk

Sunday 1st March: Moffatt  B walk


Please contact Ian Rowley or John McKay by Sunday 22nd September


email: iannrow1@gmail.com     -     email:ramblingclubjohn@aol.com























Many thanks to all those club members who have offered walks for the 2019-20 new seaon.

There are still slots to be filled and i would appreciate it if anyone who hasn't offered a walk so far  could do so as soon as possible. If you have volunteered to lead a walk can you let me know the details; destination, mileage and grade if you have not already done so.

We are so lucky to live close to so many wonderful areas for walking so i'm sure we can come up with a great season. I'm more than happy to discuss any ideas you might have for walks if you are not entirely confident so please don't be shy - It's your club!


Ian Rowley Walks Secretary


email: iannrow1@gmail.com

Carlisle & District Rambling & Fellwalking Club

affiliated to hfholidays