Walk Across Morecambe Bay
+ C Walk - Hampsfell- Grange Over Sands
Saturday 13th Aug 2016
So far we have 30 names down for the Morecambe Bay walk. This is clearly not the usual sort of walk. It is quite a long walk, Arnside Promenade to Hests Bank (near Grange); we will be part of a large group of several hundred, all walking for different charities; the one we are supporting is Hearing Dogs for the Deaf. The walk is led by Cedric Robinson, the official Queens Guide to the crossing. (Not too sure how often she pops up for the trip but be sure to say hello if she is joining us.) For insurance purposes the organisers need to know in advance how many are coming, so if you do wish to take part, could you let Lauren or me know by Sunday next, 24th July, if you have not already added your name to the list. We can take a couple of last minute names on the bus. Also, if anyone who is down for the walk cannot make it, could you let us know by the same date please. After that, the money will have been paid in advance and you will be liable for the minimum charge for the walk of £5.
Best not to wear boots, but old trainers. Take a change of footwear – we can be wading through shallow river beds where the water can be up to your knees and it will certainly be best to at least have that. Personally I would take a change of shorts or trousers plus socks and shoes or trainers just in case of problems. They may not be needed but better to take them home unused than to need them and not have them to hand.
The walk is pretty well flat on fairly firm sand for the most part and once started needs to be completed. There will be no easy option about turning round and going back. I did have an enquiry about what happens if someone becomes tired or hurts themselves etc., and the simple answer is they need to carry on. So, if you think you will struggle with an 8 mile flat walk, then this would not be the walk for you.
All Cedric’s walks are for charity: there is not the option of just turning up. He does not charge for leading – all the money goes to charity. The minimum, as mentioned, is £5 to pay to the charity, but the committee are suggesting that our contribution should be £10 each. If this will cause problems for anyone and they prefer to pay £5 only, let me know. The money will be paid initially from club funds and we will collect the charity donations on the bus and then reimburse the club. In addition there will be the usual fee for the bus of £6. So, the grand total will be £16 per person.
The event will start at 1.30pm, prior to which we will need to have lunch. The bus will leave the usual spots in Carlisle at 10.50 (Rosehill) and then 11am from the Sands. From what I can gather, we will start walking, after an initial briefing, around 2pm and should be on the other side (ie. of the Bay) by 6pm. It seems that 4 hours is a normal length of time for the walk. No arrangements are being made for an evening meal – you might want to organise something for about 7.30pm but be prepared for the unexpected.
For those who do not wish to make the crossing, there will be a C walk led by John McKay.
Hampsfell - Grange Over Sands, 4 Miles Grade 4
To book contact Peter Flynn
email: fafner0428@gmail.com
Tel: 01768896517